mardi 19 décembre 2006

your low sodium life is about to change forever

I've just built "the resource" on the web for people on low sodium diets. It's a private and exclusive website, developed specifically for people who are on a low sodium diet for whatever the reason.
As of right now when I'm writing this letter, we have 687 members to our private "club". And this letter is your personal invitation to join us and become a member yourself.
The low sodium club contains virtually every bit of knowledge you could ever want to know about low sodium diets. I'll share just some of the benefits of becoming a member in a minute, but I will tell you right now, you're gonna be blown away by the information and support you will receive from our members.
I've talked with tons of experts, read virtually every website there is, bought a bookshelf full of books and personally tried hundreds of low sodium recipes so I was able to put this website together. Our members absolutely love the low sodium club.